Prayer Request Form
We would be honored to pray for you or someone you know. Our team prays for all the prayer requests we receive on a regular basis.
Sunday Morning Prayer
We'd love to invite you to join our leadership team on Sunday mornings as we pray for the service that is about to go out and for the folks in our church.
Here' the link to join our Zoom Meeting
The Anchor is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Sunday Morning Service
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 816 2680 6381
Here' the link to join our Zoom Meeting
The Anchor is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Sunday Morning Service
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 816 2680 6381

Wednesday Night Zoom Prayer
Join us Wednesday Nights from 6:00-6:40pm as we take time out our week to pray for the Church and for the needs in our community.
If you'd like the information for our zoom meeting, please send an email to
May the Holy Spirit guide and direct our time in prayer together.
If you'd like the information for our zoom meeting, please send an email to
May the Holy Spirit guide and direct our time in prayer together.
How We Pray

It's interesting, after all the disciples witnessed Jesus do, the one thing they asked for instruction on was how to pray. It wasn't teach us to heal, teach us to cast out demons, teach us to feed the was "Teach us to pray." and if you look at Jesus' prayer in Matthew 6, you see a very clear pattern. It has the movement of an orchestra conductor:
Upward ("Our father in heaven, hallowed be your name...")
Downward ("Your kingdom come, Your will be done..)
Inward ("give us this day our daily bread...")
Outward ("Lead us not into temptation but deliver us...")
Upward ("Our father in heaven, hallowed be your name...")
Downward ("Your kingdom come, Your will be done..)
Inward ("give us this day our daily bread...")
Outward ("Lead us not into temptation but deliver us...")
Pray Upward
Go through and notice all the different reasons we can praise God in this Psalm. Take some time to just worship Him by calling out His characteristics. Thank Him for how He's demonstrated Himself to you in your life. Remember, this isn't a time to offer up requests, this is just worshipping Him for who He is!
Pray Downward
What does your life look like in light of who He is? Where do you need Him to bring deliverance? Confess where sadness and brokenness have taken over. Acknowledge your heart and be honest about where you are with everything going on. Spend some time telling Him where you trust Him with your life. Submit yourself to His will during this crazy time!
Pray Inward
Pray for those who are sick. Pray for those who are scared. Pray for those who are putting themselves in harm's way to bring healing. Pray for those who don't know Jesus that they might discover His love and peace. Pray for our government that they might have wisdom and guidance that comes from above. Pray for our community. Pray for our church.
Pray Outward
Take some time to recognize that this sickness and tragedy does not have the final say. This world is a broken place, full of broken people...ask that the Lord bring more than physical healing, that He would bring spiritual healing so that when He returns, more would know who He is and experience His love. Pray that we, the Church, would herald this message of hope well and demonstrate a "peace beyond understanding" in a world of chaos and confusion. Ask the Lord to give us strength for the day of trouble and compassion in the day of need. May we carry the fire well.